Monday, January 22, 2024

Blog #1

My Top Five Sources of Information 

My main source of information would have to be ESPN, as an athlete and someone who works in Sports Media it is very important to follow professional and collegiate teams. ESPN is my go-to for information when it comes to articles, stats or even just seeing predictions for upcoming games. 


Instagram is my most used app because companies and reporters give daily updates and check in about what they are doing. It is more personal than an article and you can get to see a different perspective online. It is also easy to connect with people from far away whom you have met and a way to meet new people and learn from them. is a great source for all things New Jersey. I was born and raised in New Jersey and since I am
away at school most of the year it is nice to check out and keep myself updated on what is happening. It has everything from news to everyday life to sports. The most recent piece I have read over there has been when the Powerball was worth fifty thousand dollars sold at the local ShopRite.

The New York Times is a great source of information.  The New York Times is a very trustworthy source and has a very reputable reputation. The New York Times is also known worldwide for its games including the crossword puzzle and even Wordle they do a great job of spreading information besides just articles and the news. The Sunday times have become apart of my family’s rotation and I know it is a tradition all over.

TikTok although might not be the best source of information I do believe it is my top way of finding things out. Even though I know, I cannot fully believe everything I see on social media when I wake up the first thing I do is probably check TikTok, and the same thing before I go to bed. It is a source of entertainment that most people my age depend on.


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